who ever thought this is how we would end your year?
Reflecting back on the good times we have had
Memories and tears consume me, I feel so sad.
Alone, I sit, watching the flame
Here I am, singing your name.
Wishing my love, could return you to me.
Your face in a picture, is all that I see.
Your sweet life flashes before my eyes.
They say a spirit of love never dies.
Yet, I held your cold body, looking down to your face.
I stroked your soft feathers, making sure each was in place.
My tears dropped down on your body, as I looked in disbelief.
Now, the pain and misery fills me, I have never felt such grief.
I miss you so, my love and only wish to see you again.
Feeling no purpose for life, just waiting for the end.
In my dreams, you fly to me, so peaceful and free.
My sweet little green friend, so happy to see me.
Together again, where we both belong.
I miss you my Corkey, Mommy won't be long.
I will always love you.
Happy Birthday, my Corkey Porkey....I wish I could tell you, once again, how much I love you and miss you...
My sweetie, you really were everything in my life...Nothing is the same without you here, with me.
The house is so quiet and it seems all sunshine is gone. I miss your little voice, singing each special song.
Most of all, I miss my very best friend.
I will never forget the first song, you ever learned to sing. You were just a few months old...with that sweet voice...you sang "Happy Birthday."
I can still hear the echos of your song...
"Happy birthday to you...
Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday, Corkey Porkey...
Happy Birthday to you."
March 4, 2009
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